Agatha H and the Airship City

Agatha H and the Airship City A Girl Genius Novel by Phil and Kaja Foglio, Night Shade Books, 2011 trade paper YA fantasy-adventure – novelization of Girl Genius graphic novels

I’d been seeing write-ups and reviews here and there for the Girl Genius graphic novels for some time, so when I came across this novelization of the first two, I decided to pick it up from Night Shade Books. There are nine of the graphic novels so far, and they have been very popular. The graphic novels are readily available, this took more searching until I found it was published by Night Shade Books.

Agatha is a student at Beetleburg University, where she is continually frustrated by an inability to build the gadgets she can envision in her mind. The problem is she doesn’t have “the Spark”, a naturally occurring type of genius relating to inventiveness and insight that only a very small portion of the populace possess. Most of those with the Spark have been the heads of powerful families which established small kingdoms which were taken over, one by one, by Baron Wulfenbach, who then collects these sparks to strengthen his own kingdom.

While Agatha is at university one morning – early in this novel – there is an invasion of sorts by the Baron. Agatha is captured as she has “some interesting ideas”. Her parents have long since disappeared so she lives with an aunt and uncle, but they escape the invasion and flee into the countryside.

In the remainder of the novel Agatha is aboard the huge flying castle of the Baron, where she alternatively tries to escape or work in a lab to build one of her machines. Revelations occur, truths come and go and there is a ton of adventure and interesting gadgets. I only have one qualm about this novel: there isn’t a next one to go on to. Hurry up, please, Foglios and Night Shade!

CORRECTION: There is a second novel, Agatha and the Clockwork Princess which I have now ordered. Thanks to Redhead of  The Little Red Reviewer for the information!

About Rick Robinson

Enjoying life in Portland, OR
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12 Responses to Agatha H and the Airship City

  1. cgramlich says:

    Sounds pretty good. Kind of a Harry Potter vibe almost

  2. Richard says:

    Charles, no, I didn’t get that feeling. More like female Tom Swift Jr. I think.

  3. cindi169 says:

    Richard, I read this series online and on my Kobo. Really good and entertaining books. The characters were entertaining and/or sympathetic. Punch and Judy were so….sweet? loving? endearing? And Agatha is an enterprising young woman spreading her wings.

  4. Richard says:

    cindi, this is a novelization of the graphic novels you read. It covers the first two graphic novels. There wasn’t that much about Punch and Judy in it, only a little in the early chapter.

  5. Redhead says:

    so happy you liked this one! 😀

    Good news, there IS a book 2! It’s called Agatha and the Clockwork Princess, also from Nightshade. and even better news, the Foglio’s are up to volume eleven of the graphic novels!

    having read both novelizations, and the GNs up to about #8, as much as I am in love with the artwork in the GNs, I think i like the style of the novels better. they’re more meaty, with more background and characterization.

  6. Richard says:

    Red, thanks! I just ordered it. I’m already wanting the THIRD novel… I did an addition to the post, above, with a link to your site.

  7. Steve Lewis says:

    This sounds like a lot of fun to me!

  8. Jeff Meyerson says:

    I notice my library has several of the graphic novels but has this one only in an audio book.

  9. I’m adding these books to my list. “Female Tom Swift, Jr.” closes the deal!

  10. Patti Abbott says:

    That cover reminds me of various series of a century ago. Have to look for one in my library.


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