lost and found, a glimpse at my reading history

In a way, it proves the power of the printed page, though really it’s just the importance of having a backup file. Last week while looking for something else I stumbled on some thin 3-ring binders, in one of which was a printout, dated April 1997, of my Books I’ve Read List from 1975-1994

The computer file was lost in an unusual primary-and back-up hard drive failure, and I thought the information was gone with it, so it was a treat to see this. I’ve been re-creating the file in Word, and will insert a window capture of part of the first page at the bottom of this post.

What’s interesting to me is to see what I was reading, when I read it and to think back to what was going on in my life at the time. Also, how I rated it – if I rated it at all. I’m not a big fan of rating books, and don’t do it in reviews, but I do for my read list, since that for me. Here’s the rating system I used then, and still do:

o = dud, *=average, **=above average, ***=very good, ****=excellent.

Fascinating stuff, at least for me, and fun to have my memory jogged about books I’d forgotten, or forgotten I’d read.

About Rick Robinson

Enjoying life in Portland, OR
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13 Responses to lost and found, a glimpse at my reading history

  1. Bill Crider says:

    Fun stuff. I was reading Clavell about that time, too, and I read several others on your list around then. I wish I’d kept records.

  2. Richard says:

    I was really glad I found this, Bill, and I’m even enjoying retyping it.

  3. Carl V says:

    I’m so happy that you found this, it had to be like finding treasure. I bet you were…are…thrilled. I can see how it would be fun retyping it, as it is a more interactive way to review the list/relive the moments. I did some journaling as part of a class in high school and I enjoyed it, but didn’t keep it up after I no longer *had* to. It is certainly a regret. I did start journaling what I read about 3 years before I started blogging, so I have my complete reading lists for the last 9 years.

    Thanks for sharing what you did in the picture, it was fun. Would enjoy seeing more and hearing about any special memories.

  4. Richard says:

    And so you shall. Thanks for your comments, Carl, very much appreciated.

  5. Drongo says:

    Glad you liked Watership Down. Growing up, it was one of my favorite novels. Pretty good film, too.

  6. Chris says:

    I started keeping track of what I read in 2006. I wish I had more history than that! I think it’s fun; whenever I add a book I look back to years past to see what I was reading then. It’s funny, because sometimes I’ll see a book and think, “Has it really been three years since I read that?!”

  7. Evan Lewis says:

    Interesting. I was reading Moorcock and Clavell right around the same time.

  8. randy Johnson says:

    Illuminating list,I’ve read about a dozen of them. Echoing others, some Clavell, Watership Down(wasn’t as fond of Shardik though), the Moorcock books, Dune, and such.

  9. Jeff Meyerson says:

    As I’ve said elsewhere, this is indeed a greast find. I’ve been keeping a list/diary since May of 1975 (after a few aborted earlier attempts) so have a list of every book I’ve read (or bought) since then. When I got the previous computer I retyped them all onto a database (two, actually, the second for non fiction) and it was great revisiting them as I was doing it.

    SHOGUN is definitely one of my all-time favorite books.

  10. Your list includes several authors I was reading in the 1970s. I keep a yearly list of books in MICROSOFT ACCESS.

  11. Patti Abbott says:

    Oh for the eyesight to read this!

  12. Richard says:

    Yes, Patti, I know it’s tough to read, but I couldn’t made the image much bigger or there were other problems with inserting it.

  13. Richard says:

    Drongo – I’ve read Watership Down at least 3 times, it’s a favorite book that seem a little different – meaning I notice different things, I guess – each time I read it.

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